LATEST VIDEO! The Voyager's Song is a poem by H.D. Thoreau that I set to music back in the 80's. The last verse of the poem was a perfect chorus and the other four verses stood on their own. I was fortunate to get some very nice clips from a documentary made by in 1964.
Tough Town is a song on my album 65 released in 2021. It's about the town I grew up in - Belfast, Maine. I am playing the guitar, bass and singing. The organ, harp and drums tracks were generated by Robert Arconti. Melissa Morehouse is on vocals.
This is a video about the Flying Yankee or The Yankee Flyer - New England's greatest train. The train was built in 1935 to help revive train travel in New England and was the high-speed, high-tech, luxury train of it's day. It ran until 1957.
Awesome. I loved it...Thanks for helping with the awareness. Very nice job.
300 Taxis is a song about all the taxis drivers on St. Kitts. It is from my album Brand New Start released in 1999. I am playing guitars, bass and keyboards. Jamil Alvi - lead guitar.
Summer Girls maybe my most popular song. It's about young girls and young hearts. I am playing guitars, bass and mandolin on this. Jeff Moulds is on drums.
I'm Guided in the Darkest Night is a poem by Henry D. Thoreau that I put to make back in the late 1970's. It is about Thoreau's unrequitted love for Ellen Sewall. I love the imagery in this poem.
Golden Heart is probably my favorite Mark Knopfler song. Although the original is great, I wanted to do an acoustic version. I am playing all the instruments except the drums which are from a Sony Media collection.
Face to Face is the first song on my Angels and Ghosts album released in 2015. I am playing the guitars, bass, keyboards and harmonica. I programmed the drums using loops from Sony Media. The song started as a simple lick and evolved into a nice little groove. I produced and recorded this song in my home studio.
This song tells 3 stories - all involving war. The 1st is about my father Mahlon Cressey's last mission (Operation Tidal Wave) to bomb the oil refinery in Ploesti, Romania in 1943. The 2nd is about my step-father Linwood Walker who fought in the "Battle of the Bulge" in 1944-45. The 3rd story is about the 60's and my disillusionment with the Vietnam War.
This song was written in 1998 and orginally released on my Brand New Start CD in 1999. I re-recorded sections of the song in 2006 and it was released on my Best of Cress CD. The song was inspired by an expression used by a cab driver I met in St. Kitts and Nevis. I am playing guitar, keyboards, slide and singing. Jeff Moulds is on drums and Peter Kasianchuk is on bass.
This is my version of a classic song Moon River released on April 25, 2022. I am playing guitars, bass and mandolin. Melissa D. Morehouse is singing lead vocals.